Thursday, May 8, 2008

Life is Great.......

Yeah I know I'm a slacker, I never post on this thing. I don't think that anyone reads it anyways. But I'm always busy trying to update Eileen's all the time, because she wants to keep up with the people with no lives that post everyday. Anyhow, this past weekend was great because I got to spend it with my niece, Ashlyne. I haven't seen her since Christmas, and we spent the whole weekend together. That's her at the playground! She is so sweet and silly. I also got to spend a little time with her baby sister. Kellie is getting so big, and she's so cute. I never thought her daddy would make a very pretty girl, but I was wrong. She looks just like her daddy. But I haven't seen my family since Christmas, so I was really happy to get to spend a little time with them. Last week Eileen and I went and had Eye Exams, and I got new glasses. I went and picked them up yesterday. I would post a picture but you'll have to wait until: A. I find my camera, which is in my purse where ever that is. And B. until I fix my hair. I haven't showered and dressed for the day yet. So Maybe tomorrow, there'll be some pictures of my new glasses. They are super cute!!

1 comment:

Nancy Seaman said...

I have a life! You've seen it, remember? Can hardly wait to see your new pics. Just think, this time of year last year you were almost through with school. Tabi crys every time she thinks about it being her last week.