Thursday, December 4, 2008

3 Weeks and 1 Day..... and counting!

Alrighty..... I figered I might as well post. Hadn't done it for awhile. I will be going out to BYU- Idaho in about 3 weeks! I am so excited!! Eileen and David will be driving me out there. We are leaving on December 26th. I have everything in line... i hope! lol. I registered for classes 2 weeks ago and I have housing, etc. Nothing else has really been going on. Just getting ready to go!!

1 comment:

The Ritchies said...

Hey Andrea,
I think it is great that you are going out to Idaho. You will love it. You will have to swing out to Burton and see the dairy farm that my in-laws own. I think you would enjoy seeing all of the animals. My family lives in that area too. Let me know if you want to check it out. Kristina Ritchie