Wednesday, February 4, 2009

College Life.....

I went sledding with my FHE Family on monday night. It was a lot of fun. I stayed down at the bottom to take pictures of my brothers and sisters while they were sledding. I am having a lot of fun here at BYU-I. I have made a lot of new friends, and I am really glad that I chose to come here. I don't really like the weather here. It's a little too dry for my tastes. My skin is so dry, but a plus is that I usually have pretty good hair days here. I have 3 really great roommates that I love. We all get along really well. I am also in a great ward! I love my ward on campus. I am the secretary in the Relief Society and I am growing to love it. All in all, I am having a great experience. I still really miss all of my family and friends. Sometimes I get a little down, especially when I look at pictures of everyone. But I know I will see them again, and I love everyone!!!