Sunday, August 30, 2009


This is Gretchen and I on Granddaddy's golf cart! That is definitely the fun activity for the kids on the compound. We go borrow the golf cart and ride around the compound. Jed and I have made a couple of movie on the golf cart, check them out on FaceBook.
This is our recreation of Lehi's dream. You can't see the great and spacious building or the man in the white robe but they are there.

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!! Amelia started kindergarden and Stella is in 2nd grade! I'm glad I was able to be here on Amelia's first day of school... I think they are enjoying it! We certainly enjoy the peace and quiet of having everyone at school!
I took David's fake leg and painted the nails on it while he was gone one day! I also painted the nails on his gator leg. I painted those blue and orange to match it! It was hilarious. I did this a couple weeks ago and its still there! Its still funny whenever I see it!

So I've been home for about a month and I am loving it! I am still wearing my boot, I go back to the doctor in about a week and a half and hopefully I'll be able to go without it then. I haven't been working, because of the whole leg thing. I spend most of the day hanging out with Gretchen, and doing the laundry. I don't know what Eileen is going to do when I leave. I've spoiled her by doing the laundry and someof the cleaning most everyday while she is out running errands and stuff. Everyone now refers to me as SuperNanny these days. It's kind of interesting... Dallin is actually real to me now! See, before I came home I hadn't seen him and i didn't know that he existed. But now he does!!! He is the sweetest baby! I love him tons! I also have my little buddy Gretchen back! I missed her so much!!! I am enjoying my time with Estella and Amelia also! We have tons of fun together (when everyone isn't fighting that is...)! Last week I helped Nancy set up a recreation of Lehi's dream! It was really fun to do. I have also been going to Institute, which is pretty fun! We are studying Book of Mormon which is what I just finished studying at school, but it is a nice refresher. Well, that's it for now! Sorry its been so long, I didn't think anyone read my blog so I've been slacking. But I've been informed that everyone does read it...

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Hello Of course we read it silly.You sre right, you have spoiled me I don't know if I am going to let you go back. I am glad to have you back and not just because you do all my laundry!